Thank you for visiting my website!

I’m Leonard Christian, your senator from the 4th Legislative District. It is an honor to represent you in the Washington Legislature.

I learned the importance of community, love of country and hard work during 21 years of service in the military. I bring those same values to Olympia as I work for the betterment of our community and state.

Our state has many pressing issues, including crime, a lack of affordable housing, a rapidly increasing cost of living, and declining trust in our governing institutions. These are the matters that deserve our focus in the state Legislature — they certainly have mine. On this page you will find news and information about my activities at the statehouse, as well as contact information for my office.

If you have any questions, a problem with a state agency, or even a comment about the direction of state government, please do not hesitate to contact me or my legislative assistant Austin Branstetter. My most important duty is to serve you.




Sen. Leonard Christian
R-Spokane Valley
4th Legislative District