An update from Rep. Leonard Christian | Wildfire resources

It has been a difficult few days for our region as many folks were forced to evacuate and in some instances have lost their homes. I would like to extend my thoughts and prayers to those who are coping with the loss and devastation that has ravaged our communities. I commend the first responders who have been on the front lines.

We have a long recovery facing us, and I felt it was imperative that I provide some contact information that may be beneficial to those who are in immediate need of assistance.

Gov. Jay Inslee signed an emergency declaration on Saturday that will help. As of last check, more than 10,000 acres have burned in the cities of Medical Lake and Elk. Also, over 185 structures in Medical Lake and 30 structures in Elk have burned.

Below are some links to state and local resources you can reference and share with others who may need them.

  • Basic Food
    • The U.S. Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, called Basic Food in Washington, helps people with low incomes make ends meet by providing monthly benefits to buy food.
      • If you receive SNAP food benefits and you lost your SNAP food, because of the fires, you should qualify for replacement benefits. It is my understanding that you only have 10 days to request replacement benefits. I urge you to contact your local DSHS office to verify that and start the process of receiving your new SNAP benefits.

Additional helpful websites include:

If I can provide any assistance in contacting a state agency, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office.